2020-2021: let’s transition with grace

End of Year Transition EFT Tapping Circle

12pm Pacific/ 3pm Eastern/ 8pm UK WEDnesday 16th December 1.5 hours


Let’s face it. 2020 hasn’t been fun (for the most part).
Let’s start 2021 with an open heart, courage and resilience.

This open, free Circle is a time to get together and clear some of what is not helpful and tap into how we want to start (and carry on), the New Year.

I’ll be inviting you to contribute your feelings and thoughts and then we’ll tap together for all. Group tapping is amazing and really works for each participant. Depending on numbers, I may also do some 1:1 tapping, but again, we all tap and we all “borrow benefits”. You can be a complete beginner re tapping - I guide you throughout.

I can imagine there might be some anger, frustration, sadness and grief around 2020.

I can imagine there might be some fear and anxiety going into the unknown of 2021.

And there will definitely be celebration too, for what this year has given us.

And I KNOW there will be qualities you want to invoke for 2021 - ease, grace and strength come to mind for me. What are yours?

The group will be a sacred time (this is energy work), so you need to be able to join at the start (within 10 minutes past the hour) and stay the whole time, so together we create magic.

Please sign up below if you’d like to join this safe, fun and transformative time together.

Click here to sign up for the Zoom Meeting
